It is undeniable that modern society is filled with intense anxiety and with so many aspects seemingly completely outside of their control, it is easy for individuals to lose self belief and surrender to their negative thoughts. Entrepreneur, blogger and consultant Emilia Ohrtmann is determined to change this by helping women to gain confidence, reminding them that they always have a choice. In her new book It’s Your Life, Emilia delves into what she has learned through her own experiences, moving past feelings of guilt, judgement and uncertainty to faith and positivity.
Emilia’s expertise in supporting women stems from her varied career history as the co-host of the Mums in Biz podcast, certified neurolinguistic programming (NLP) coach and website designer. Her vast array of skills help women to become their true selves in all aspects of their lives and she can personally relate to mothers as she has four children of her own. She is also a keen athlete and instills that keeping a healthy body is as important as maintaining a healthy mindset.
Emilia not only chose to write It’s Your Life as a way of inspiring fellow women, but she is also using it as a tool to share her life’s learnings after living in four different countries. Within the book she reflects upon her own childhood, how this shaped her perception of herself, such as thinking she was shy or that she was selfish, and how this continued to shape her behaviours as an adult. Emilia encourages readers to let to go of their past and stop the focus on judgement and comparison. In doing so, they gain the freedom to express who they truly are.
Within the book Emilia consistently reminds the reader that they can become whatever they tell themselves and the only impossibilities are the ones created in the mind. Emilia writes that people do not know what they can achieve until they have tried, practiced and improved. This mindset is incredibly freeing and will unlock the potential of any reader, but only if they remember they cannot pour from an empty cup because mothers need to look after and love themselves too. This includes loving and embracing their bodies as they do so much.
Throughout the book Emilia provides practical strategies that she has learned over her life to help other women to live as their authentic selves with confidence. For example, she encourages readers to make a dream list that allows them to focus on the things they really want to achieve for themselves, reminding readers that they can make any dream come true by starting and practising consistently to instil faith in their ability to do it. She also shows the importance of writing things they are grateful for and goals they want to achieve.
It’s Your Life is the perfect read for any woman looking for guidance on how to fill up their own cup, reclaim their happiness, live their own life and follow their dreams.
It’s Your Life is available on Amazon from 12th November and is published by Panoma Press.