
Packaging Roulette”: Visually Impaired Consumers At Risk due to Inconsistent Access to Accessible Food Packaging

Launched on World Sight Day, research commissioned by Roland DG, the world’s leading provider of digital printing solutions, reveals that millions of visually impaired people face a daily challenge of navigating the supermarket aisles due […]


Optometrist warns swimming with contact lenses could lead to serious eye infection and potential ‘loss of vision’

Heading into the summer brings along a much-needed bout of sun for many people, and what better way is there to cool yourself off on holiday than taking a dive in the ice-cold water. But […]


Globe-trotting, gym-going octogenarian from Cornwall tells of ‘life-changing’ eye surgery

Travelling solo; taking foreign language lessons online; twice weekly personal training sessions – how octogenarian Becky Wright spends her days reads much like the bucket list of many 20-somethings. For the fiercely independent 84-year-old, who […]