National Grandparents Day – 5 activities to celebrate the date with your grandparents

National Grandparents Day is this Sunday, and ​​many people that are fortunate enough to still have their grandparents around will agree that they’ve seen less of their loved ones over the past 18 months. We are all overdue some quality time with our elderly relatives, and this weekend is the perfect opportunity to show your grandparents some love and appreciation with little acts of kindness or a thoughtful gift. This is a great way to boost their mood and wellbeing as well as your own, whilst having some quality bonding time that has been missed out on in recent times. 

Luca Rado, co-founder of The Live In Care Company has compiled his expert knowledge and experience in elderly care and living and has shared 5 ways to show a grandparent you appreciate them whilst being mindful of any disabilities or illnesses they may be suffering from such as dementia: 

  1. Give them a call 

“This is a simple, yet effective way to show your grandparents you care. It is easy for us to get caught up in the whirlwind of everyday life, and forget that the older generation is less active and therefore less busy than us, meaning they can sometimes find themselves watching other people living life whilst they sit at home. If your grandparent lives alone this can become very lonely, so giving them a call and having a thorough catch up with them will make their day. If your grandparent(s) is a little more tech-savvy, video calling them is a great way to make them feel special and allows them to see a friendly, recognisable face that they might not have seen for a while.” 

  1. Create a photo album 

“This is a great sentimental present and also an affordable gift that your grandparents will love. If a grandparent is suffering from dementia, looking over old photos is an effective way to keep the brain active and help your grandparents remember faces and happy moments or occasions  that they might be struggling to remember.”

  1. Send a gift 

“If you’re unable to visit grandparents for any reason, sending them a thoughtful gift to show you’re thinking of them will really make their day. This doesn’t have to be expensive, think of something they like or enjoy doing. A new book from their favourite author or a small hamper of their favourite cheese and crackers are perfect examples.” 

  1. Cook a meal or take them out for one

“Depending on whether your grandparents feel comfortable leaving the house and entering a busy environment, taking them out for a meal or cooking them a lovely dinner is a great way to catch up and show your appreciation for them. This is especially helpful if they suffer from arthritis or their mobility is limited as they will not have to use a lot of energy cooking for the day.”

  1. Visit them (if possible) 

“If you can, visit your grandparents in person. Time spent together is like no other, and creating new memories is just as important as older ones. Activities such as card games and crossword puzzles together are a great way to bond and enjoy the day and you could also sit down and watch their favourite programme with them.”

It is important to remember that it’s all about the little things that make a big difference that count. Your grandparents will value the time you spend with them and the sentimental things in life, so where possible, make sure the activities you choose when spending time with your grandparents are tailored to them and your relationship. 

You can find more information on the best activities suited to the elderly here – 

About Lisa Baker, Editor, Wellbeing News 4316 Articles
Editor Lisa Baker is passionate about the benefits of a holistic approach to healing. Lisa is a qualified Vibrational Therapist and has qualifications in Auricular Therapy, Massage, Kinesiology, Crystal Healing, Seichem and is a Reiki Master.