Survey Reveals Brits Prefer Regular Strength Tea – But is Tea Choice as Unique as Our Mental Health?

Regular strength tea with no sugar has been ranked the UK’s favourite tea according to a new survey commissioned by leading workplace mental health solution, Thrive Mental Wellbeing.

The survey of 2,000 Brits carried out between 13th and 19th December 2023, found that, nationally, regular strength tea (with milk, not too strong or milky) with no sugar was the most popular tea of choice. In fact, regular strength tea ranked highest of all variations according to respondents, equating to nearly a third of all tea drinking (31%). Black tea, across the UK, was significantly less popular, with 7% citing black tea with no sugar as their preference and only 4% for sweet black tea.

However, that all changes when factoring in where you live. According to the report, Scots are milky tea drinkers and buck the UK trend, with 17% opting for milky and sweet and the same percentage of milky with no sugar. Londoners, however, are not milky tea drinkers, with only 3% opting for a milky brew. In the East Midlands, South East and Southwest, they opt for a regular strength cuppa with no sugar, more than any other region at 25%, 24% and 24%, respectively. The only area that shows any trend towards black tea is Northern Ireland, with nearly a fifth (19%) preferring black tea with no sugar. In fact, sugar is not popular in Northern Ireland at all.

The report also looks at how age factors affect our choice of tea. Whilst regular tea with no sugar is the nation’s favourite tea overall, it grows in popularity with age. Only 6% aged between 18 and 24 would opt for this option, while nearly a quarter (23%) of 55–64-year-olds and almost a third (32%) aged over 65 cite this as their preferred cup of tea.
Dr Andres Fonseca, Practising Consultant Psychiatrist and CEO/Co-Founder of Thrive Mental Wellbeing commented on the results, “What the survey goes to prove is that our choice of tea is as individual as we are, but geographical and societal impacts have a role to play. Our preferences are influenced by our parents or people we look up to during our early years, and we become more independent with age. We can see this playing out in some of the age trends. Whilst this is not a scientific study, it shows that it is down to individual preference, and we like choice, and it can be exclusive to us. Even something as common as a cup of tea.”

The survey was commissioned in line with Brew Monday 2024, a Samaritans campaign encouraging Brits to get together over a cuppa with the people we care about. Positive mental wellbeing and managing mental health can only be achieved with the support of others, and Thrive Mental Wellbeing fully endorses the campaign. It also highlights how we value our individuality and power of choice, something Dr Fonseca feels is vital for mental wellbeing.

“The survey raises an important part of our psyche: our individuality. Something we value that is significant around our mental health. Everyone is different, and so is how we approach seeking support from loved ones and professionals. At Thrive Mental Wellbeing, our support and therapy sessions are tailored to the individual and their needs. Therefore, we do not limit our sessions or availability for the user based on what we think is right; it is adaptable to ensure each person gets tailored support for as long as they need.”

The full report can be found here:

Thrive Mental Wellbeing is the UK’s leading workplace mental health provider and partners with organisations globally to improve mental wellbeing and support mental health in workplaces. To find out more, visit the website.

About Lisa Baker, Editor, Wellbeing News 4316 Articles
Editor Lisa Baker is passionate about the benefits of a holistic approach to healing. Lisa is a qualified Vibrational Therapist and has qualifications in Auricular Therapy, Massage, Kinesiology, Crystal Healing, Seichem and is a Reiki Master.