Mental Health

NHS Talking Therapies service encourages people impacted to check in with mental health following floods

Whilst the immediate dangers to physical health from flooding are highly visible, much of the impact on health in England is associated with mental, rather than physical health. As people continue to manage the fallout […]

App News

Smile App launches first-of-its-kind mental health app to support those living with chronic conditions such as long covid, cancer and diabetes

There’s 15 million people living in the UK with chronic health conditions and nearly 30% of people also develop mental health problems. Smile App,The UK’s very first mental health app for those with long-term physical […]

Mental Health

Survey Reveals Brits Prefer Regular Strength Tea – But is Tea Choice as Unique as Our Mental Health?

Regular strength tea with no sugar has been ranked the UK’s favourite tea according to a new survey commissioned by leading workplace mental health solution, Thrive Mental Wellbeing. The survey of 2,000 Brits carried out […]