Wellbeing and gut health go together and now more than ever during the uncertain times of Covid-19, has proved monumental in reflecting on our lifestyles. Over the course of the pandemic so far we continue to learn the effects on our body and become to realise as individuals we need to take care of our ourselves and an important part of maintaining our wellbeing is in our gut; Make sure the gut is healthy and the rest follows.
A good gut diet requires lots of dietary fibres called prebiotics. They are found in natural plant based foods such as barley, rye, wholegrains, apples, onions, carrots, garlic, legumes and artichokes. Refined sugar should be avoided at all costs since it can upset balance in your gut and metabolism. Un unhealthy gut often results in difficult to shift weight increase.
Fresh ginger is king of all. In terms of digestion, it helps your gut move food through the intestine so it does not sit and ferment, thereby creating bloated stomach which is often accompanied by pain. To build a strong immune system, grate half tsp fresh ginger into 1 tsp honey, chew and swallow on daily basis. We can take this a step further with a ginger/turmeric drink recipe. Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin which has super antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on digestive system. Add to that fresh ginger, lemon, honey and cayenne pepper and the gut becomes cleansed. Easy to make, this recipe is enough for 2 cups. One for mid-morning, the other for mid-afternoon. Grate 2 tsps fresh ginger, 2 tsps fresh turmeric, add juice from half lemon, 2 tsps honey and good pinch of cayenne pepper. Boil 2 cups water in saucepan, add ingredients above, simmer for 1 minute and its ready to drink.
Having looked at a few ways to encourage healthy gut function, let us move onto general wellbeing. First on our list is Astragalus. Astragalus is a plant native to Asia, and used in Chinese medicine. Traditionally used for physical weakness, it is an immune system tonic which rebuilds vitality, circulates blood and keeps heart and lungs strong. Place 20 drops of Astragalus liquid extract into a warm cup of Licorice, Chamomile or Mint tea since they aid digestion and improve effects of Astragalus. To help prevent fatigue drink one cup daily.
To avoid viruses and negative energy swings we need an uncut quartz crystal, a bottle of essential Basil oil and sea salt. Both uncut quartz crystals and Basil oil fend off negative energy. Sprinkle a few drops Basil oil on your crystal, wear it in your bra or keep in a pocket when you sense a challenging day ahead. When you return home, place a tsp of sea salt in a glass of water and gargle to avoid infection then strengthen by cleaning the nasal passage. Here is what yogis like myself do to stay healthy. Fill a small glass container with warm water, add 1 tsp sea salt and stir. With right thumb plug right nostril and bring container under left nostril. Inhale with all your might until you feel salt water trickle into throat. Plug left nostril with left thumb and repeat as before. When you finish you will want to blow your nose. Make it a hard one to bring out all that lurked in the unknown.
Feeling wonderful from your efforts, you might want to give your face a treat. I am a huge Mother Nature fan and not only eat banana on a regular basis since it is packed with potassium, magnesium, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C and classed in league of super healthy foods, but makes an excellent beauty mask. Next time you eat one, save a little, mush well in your palm then apply around eyes, on face and neck. It’s a little messy but soon dries. You can feel it work under the skin to nourish and hydrate and when you wash off 30 mins later, your skin will feel satin smooth and have visible glow.
Stella Ralfini is a successful couples counsellor, a published author, beauty guru and a women’s empowerment teacher, with an enviable amount of knowledge when it comes to natural health and beauty. At 73, she credits her radiant skin, good body shape and good health to the use of essential oils, as well as everything else supplied by nature. Sensual Sorcery is Stella’s third book and is available worldwide. For more information visit www.stellaralfini.co.uk.
Wellbeing and gut health – Wellbeing News by Stella Ralfini.docx