COLEG Cambria will hold a series of pop-up vaccination clinics this week.
The north east Wales college has sessions on the following dates for students aged 16 and over who have not yet had their Covid-19 jab.
Deeside/Deeside Sixth Form: Monday September 13 from 10am-4pm at the Indoor Athletics Track and Sports Hall.
Wrexham Yale Campus: Tuesday September 14 from 10am-1pm in the H Block Exam Hall.
Wrexham Bersham: Tuesday September 14 from 2pm-4pm in the Innovation Centre, D Block.
Northop: Wednesday September 15 from 10am-4pm in the R30 Learning Zone.
Cath Sullivan, Deputy Chief Executive for People, Experiences and Culture, said: “To assist our colleagues from the NHS we are asking students to please book a time online in advance.
“If you are unable to attend or do want to drop-in there may be availability but at peak times that might not be possible.
“If you are in class and would like to get a vaccine, ask your tutor if you can be excused so you are able to attend your appointment and return following the post-vaccine 15-minute observation period.”
Learners aged 18 or over who have had their first jab must wait a minimum of four weeks until they receive their second dose.
“Anyone who has concerns or questions can pop along and have a chat to the vaccine team on the day,” added Ms Sullivan.
For more information, visit the website: