The Most Complained About Weight Loss Adverts

Chemist4U has analysed Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) complaints data to reveal the most complained about weight loss adverts of all time, the reasons, the year, and the mediums that received the most complaints. 

  • The most common issue complained about was that adverts were misleading (66%)
  • 2019 saw the most complaints of all years analysed, possibly due to the rise in popularity of influencers during this time. The media which received the most weight loss advert complaints is social media, with 29 more complaints than TV adverts, which came in second

Weight-loss products can be a sensitive topic, and with attitudes towards dieting and weight loss changing, it’s important for brands to ensure their advertising is compliant, compassionate and caring. With the rise of social media sites, advertising has taken on new forms and the line between posting and promoting can become blurred.

Advertisers across all platforms need to be careful with their content, especially on sites such as Instagram where many have come under fire for promoting weight loss content to users with eating disorders [1]. 

Top 10 weight loss adverts which received most complaints 

Rank Company Decision No. of complaints Medium of ad Year Issue
1 The White Star Key Group Ltd Upheld 25 Social media  2019 Misleading, Harm, Irresponsibility
2 HJ Heinz Foods UK Ltd Not Upheld 6 TV 2019 Misleading
3 BoomBod Ltd Upheld 5 Social media  2019 Misleading, Harmful
4 TFHC Ltd t/a Transform Upheld 4 TV 2018 Offensive, Harmful
5 Not Guilty Food Co Ltd t/a The Skinny Food Co Upheld 3 Social media 2021 Harmful
6 E-Drinks Ltd Upheld 2 Social media  2018 Misleading
7 Aquil Ltd Upheld 2 Leaflet 2017 Misleading
8 Bio-Medical Research Ltd t/a Slendertone Upheld 2 TV 2021 Misleading
9 THMG Ltd t/a The Harley Medical Group Upheld 1 Email 2018 Irresponsibility
10 Alevere Ltd t/a Alevere Upheld 1 Own site 2017 Misleading

You can view the full research to the study here:

Looking at the top three most complained about adverts in more detail:

  1. The advertisement with the most backlash was an Instagram post from influencer Jemma Lucy with 25 complaints, which equates to 316% more than the advert in second place. Jemma was pregnant at the time of promoting ‘skinny cafe’ drinks for The White Star Key Group Ltd. The main concerns raised with the post were around Jemma’s pregnancy and lack of clarity around if the post was an ad. The post was found to be a breach of several codes and rules and the ruling was upheld. 
  2. A TV advert from HJ Heinz Foods UK Ltd was the second most complained about advert, with 6 complaints, claiming that it was misleading viewers into believing eating Heinz beans was as beneficial as a workout. The advert was found to be compliant and the complaint was not upheld. 
  3. BoomBod Ltd took the 3rd most complained about advertisement spot and was investigated over 3 separate issues all of which were upheld. These issues were all relating to Instagram, with the ad appearing on the accounts of BoomBod, Lauren Goodger and Katie Price. The posts made health claims around weight loss that were not approved by regulation and codes.  

Top 5 issues for complaints 

Rank Issue No. of complaints % of overall complaints
1 Misleading 20 66%
2 Harm, Irresponsibility 3 10%
3 Misleading, Harmful 3 10%
4 Harmful 1 3%
5 Irresponsibility 1 3%

There were clear themes which emerged from the complaints, with most complaints being centred around misleading, with 66% of total complaints, followed by harmful or irresponsible (10%) or misleading and harmful (10%). 

Complaints per year 

Year Total number of complaints
2017 5
2018 14
2019 40
2020 6
2021 6

2019 is revealed to be the year with the most complaints with 40, followed by 2018 (14), 2020 and 2021 (6) and 2017 (5). 

Media with the most complaints 

Media Total complaints
Social Media 42
Television 13
Website 9
Press and printed 6
Email 1


Social media was found to be the most complained about platform with over double the amount of complaints than any other format. Shifts in attitudes, making social media more prominent than ever, could indicate why more traditional mediums such as TV and printed publications have received less complaints, 13 and 6 respectively. 


James O’Loan, Pharmacist and CEO at Chemist4U comments: 

“Weight loss is an issue for lots of people, but increasingly we are seeing the popularity of influencers decline. This is evident in this research as we can see people are fast becoming smart to adverts masquerading as posts and are taking action into their own hands to call out these irresponsible influencers. 

“It’s also the responsibility of brands to ensure that advertising standards are being upheld especially when it comes to sensitive topics such as weight loss items. Brands  need to work together to make sure their marketing isn’t disrupting safe spaces online and offline.”

About Lisa Baker, Editor, Wellbeing News 4614 Articles
Editor Lisa Baker is a professional writer and the owner of Need to See IT Publishing. However, Lisa is also passionate about the benefits of a holistic approach to healing, being a qualified Vibrational Therapist. Lisa also has qualifications in Auricular Therapy, Massage, Kinesiology, Crystal Healing, Seichem and is a Reiki Master.