A free online laughter yoga class is helping more people to lead an active life with Parkinson’s across the UK.
Called Laughing Fit, the classes are organised by laughter yoga instructor Jon Bockelmann-Evans and his company, JBE Health Training. The laughter yoga sessions are designed to help people living with Parkinson’s to live well with their condition in a fun and relaxing way.
Classes last for up to 20 minutes and are designed to give participants a short taste of laughter yoga and how it can improve their physical and mental wellbeing.
Laughing Fit takes place every Tuesday from 8pm to 8.20pm (UK-time) and the classes are open to all ages and abilities.
If you would like to join the next online Laughing Fit class, you sign-up for free by visiting EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/laughingfit-a-weekly-online-laughter-class-for-health-happiness-tickets-629354294637?aff=oddtdtcreator
Speaking about the laughter yoga sessions, Jon Bockelmann-Evans, Laughing Fit instructor, said:
“I regularly have people attending the Laughing Fit classes from across the globe, some with Parkinson’s, some not and it’s always really inspiring to see how people engage with laughter yoga.
“Some participants prefer to attend the online sessions on their own, while others prefer to take part with their partners, carers, family members or friends. When it comes to taking part in laughter yoga, we want the more, the merrier, quite literally.
“Laughter is not just about humour, it can also provide a wide range of health, wellbeing and social benefits. Just a few minutes of laughing every day can help us all to re-connect positively with the world around us.”
For more information about the online laughter yoga sessions, contact Jon Bockelmann-Evans on 07966 785 205, or visit https://www.jbehealth.com/.