How Wild Camping has been Improving Mental Health in the UK

Several studies prove how being in nature can improve our mental health, and one of the best ways to enjoy nature is to go wild camping. It’s a wonderful opportunity to unwind from the modern-day chaos we encounter every day. Camping helps us to relax and rejuvenate our energy levels. So, when it’s time to go back to the real world, we’ll be more motivated than ever.

Here’s how wild camping has been improving mental health in the UK.


What is Wild Camping 

Wild camping means camping anywhere outside of a recognised campsite. It could mean pitching your tent at the side of a mountain, tying up a hammock in a tree in the middle of a forest, or sleeping in remote places with no access to facilities. 

In the UK, most land is privately-owned. Therefore, you need permission from the landowner to camp, or you’ll be asked to move out. Meanwhile, Dartmoor and Scotland have exceptions, as local laws permit wild camping. In general, wild camping is allowed in unenclosed fells, for as long as it’s done responsibly and by small groups. If you’re planning to go wild camping on a certain spot in the UK, it is best to seek permission from the landowner.


Why is Wild Camping Good for Mental Health? 

Nothing makes you feel like a proper adventurer, quite like wild camping. When you spend time in nature, whether sleeping under the stars or discovering remote places, you’ll notice an improvement in your mental and physical wellbeing. That’s because you’ll be disconnecting yourself from the stresses of work and the daily worries of modern life. 

Such are the health benefits of spending time in nature that some doctors are prescribing nature to their patients. They believe that being surrounded by nature can significantly reduce stress levels, thereby reducing the risk of various illnesses linked to stress. On top of that, it is believed that by getting some sleep under the stars and waking up surrounded by nature, you will be resetting your circadian clock back to how it is meant to be, which helps your body’s functions to return to a more natural state. 


Where Can You Go Wild Camping?

Again, unless you are in Scotland or Dartmoor, wild camping will only be legal if you have permission from the landowner. The good news is that many landowners in the UK are now accommodating wild campers for as long as you do it responsibly, remain discreet, and leave no trace. Use Google Maps to find a perfect spot or refer to to search for “Almost Wild Campsites” – an established campsite that will allow you to experience wild camping.


About Lisa Baker, Editor, Wellbeing News 4328 Articles
Editor Lisa Baker is passionate about the benefits of a holistic approach to healing. Lisa is a qualified Vibrational Therapist and has qualifications in Auricular Therapy, Massage, Kinesiology, Crystal Healing, Seichem and is a Reiki Master.